Globe Valves in Ramanathapuram

Globe Valves Manufacturers in Ramanathapuram

Globe valves are named after their sphere-shaped body divided into two halves by an internal baffle. A globe valve is a kind of valve that has a movable disk-type constituent and an immobile ring seat in a spherical body. It is particularly applicable for the flow regulation in a pipeline. Shut off is achieved by moving the disc against the flow stream. The flow pattern through a instrument globe valve causes modification in the direction as a consequence there is increased resistance in the flow as a result there is a drop in high pressure. It is the most apt valve for on-off service, also is highly suitable for repeated cycling and control of fluids of any amount or volume between the open and closed positions.

Application of Globe Valves

Our industrial globe valves are perfect for applications that involve throttling and frequent operation. They are also used as sampling valves, because they are generally shut with the exception of liquid samples. Because the baffle restricts flow, they are not suggested where complete & passable flow is requisite.

Globe Valve as a Mass & Sequestration Valve is useful as they control movements in the parts in the open location.

globe valves
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Design & Testing International Standards

  • Valve Design : As Per BS 1873
  • Pressure Testing : As Per ISO 5208 / API 598
  • Face to Face : As per ASME B 16.10
  • Butt Weld End : As Per ASME B 16.25
  • Socket Weld End : As Per ASME B 16.11
  • Screwed End : As Per ASME B 1.20.1 (BSP /NPT)
  • Size : 15mm to 250mm
  • Body : CS, WCB, CF8, CF8M, ETC
  • Seat : 13% CR , SS304, SS316